How Might We make the process of blood donation less intimidating and more rewarding so more people are inclined to donate?

2014 - Present

Millions of people make the noble decision to donate blood every day across the globe, while many others choose not to do so for a variety of reasons. Throughout my years as a UX researcher and designer, I have had the opportunity to delve into the complexities of the blood donation experience, uncovering both its rewarding aspects and potential challenges. In my role, I have also explored the concept of establishing a trustworthy non-profit organization dedicated to facilitating and promoting blood donation.

My Role

  • User Research

  • Literature Review

  • Wireframing

  • UI Design

  • Graphic Design

  • Icon Design


  • Mobile


  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Adobe Illustrator

  • Adobe Premiere Pro

  • Adobe XD

  • Figma

2014 - 2015: Where It All Started

“BeDonor” was the name I gave to a UI design that I created back in 2014. The objective was to centralize blood donation data and establish a seamless experience for donors, patients, hospitals, and blood banks. The primary aim was to democratize the process and ensure a consistent supply of blood wherever it was needed. In 2015, I expanded on the concept by incorporating additional features that allowed users to discover healthcare and emergency facilities, access information about the services they offer, and navigate to their locations.

Image showing three screenshots of blood donation android app UI

Features such as finding nearby medical facilities, registering to donate blood, and achievements

Image showing three screenshots of blood donation android app UI

Features such as Donor Profile, Stats, and Knowledge

2017: Adding The Missing Pieces

In 2014, I embarked on an informal journey of learning UI design. While the concept of democratizing the blood donation process was compelling, I soon realized that a crucial element was missing: background research. It was during my Human-Computer Interaction program at DePaul University that I had the opportunity to delve into the world of research. For my “Foundations of Research” class, I chose to focus on the concept of blood donation and non-profit organizations. The title of my research was:

“Aesthetic and Social Factors for Designing Non-Profit Websites and Apps”

Through this research, I explored various factors that contribute to the trustworthiness of a non-profit organization and how such organizations can effectively engage users to maintain a sustainable pool of donations. This research provided valuable insights into the design considerations and strategies that can enhance the user experience and impact of non-profit websites and apps.

Image showing isometric mockup of various pages from the research paper

Mockup of Research Paper

Creating a New Identity

Image showing the transformation of old logo to new logo to create visual harmony

Journey of logo from bold-old design to tender-harmonious design

The drop assumes various forms, ranging from an infinity symbol to a flower symbol, symbolizing the delicate and sensitive nature of blood donation. This dynamic representation also serves to illustrate the transformative power and impact of blood donation.

GIF showing the logo animation starting from a drop and eventally transforming to a flower with a dropImage showing the font and colors used for Logo Style-Tile

Logo Style tile

Envisioning a Calmer User Interface

During my research review, I came across several key findings that influenced the creation of the new UI:

  • Bright and warm colors, along with circular elements, can promote visual harmony and create a soothing effect on users’ minds. When used effectively, these elements have the potential to enhance engagement on the website.

  • Users tend to connect more with real-life imagery compared to abstract or representative graphics.

  • Users prefer concise and relevant information, supplemented by visual cues such as icons and images.

  • Emojis can be utilized to provide feedback to users on their progress, creating a sense of achievement. They can also be leveraged to gamify the experience, making it more interactive and enjoyable.

  • Gamification elements, such as challenges, levels, and rewards, enhance the user experience and encourage continued interaction with the product.

  • By providing incentives, users are more likely to stay engaged with the product and continue using it.

Image showing comparison of Screen Mockups comparing old and new UI of Login screen

Trimmed-down minimalistic look that divides login, signup and forgot password into three separate sections.

Image showing comparison of Screen Mockups comparing old and new UI of Home screen

Providing information about user’s past and upcoming blood donation, suggestions, achievement and news about non-profits they care about.

Image showing comparison of Screen Mockups comparing old and new UI of Schievements screen

Utilizing emojis and easy to understand iconography and progress bars.

Image showing comparison of Screen Mockups comparing old and new UI of Donate screen

Images from non-profits to make the donation page more credible and compelling.

2022 - 2023: Giving Context to Research

During my tenure as a UX Designer at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, I had the opportunity to delve deeper into the concept of blood donation with the aim of cutting costs and saving children’s lives. As a hospital that does not charge its patients and families, St. Jude relies heavily on the generosity of donors and the effective utilization of donor dollars. Additionally, St. Jude operates its own blood donation center, which often faces challenges in maintaining an adequate supply of blood, much like other blood banks worldwide. So, here’s some info from my research:

Design and Beyond

To demonstrate how a better Blood Donation User Experience can benefit users, I created a much more improved wireframe, taking inspiration form all my previous user interfaces, and utilizing research. The goals were:

  • Ease the process of setting up a donor profile.

  • Making the donation type selection more informative by providing the eligibility, frequency, and time.

  • Showcasing a better utulization of incentives, engagement, and rewards.

Image showing wireframe screenshots used to create the flow of screens for blood donation

Version 3.0 Wireframe showing Donation process flow

A Pilot Program to Acquire New Donors

In 2023 & 2024, I collaborated with the Event Experiences team to set up a Pilot Program for the annual ALSAC Town Hall meeting. The goal was to set up a booth for St. Jude Blood Donor Center for the attendees to check out, and schedule their blood or platelet donations based on their eligibility and availability.

Implemented cost-saving measures that resulted in over $16,000 in savings for NTM 2023 and 2024 by establishing a Blood Donation Registration booth. Additionally, expanded outreach through Marathon and Walk/Run initiatives, further enhancing community engagement and impact.

Image showing people interacting with St. Jude Blood Donor Center Recruiter at a booth.

Interested donors talking to the recruiter of St. Jude Blood Donor Center.

Image showing the call to donate blood banner in a conference room.

Banner with a call to register to donate blood, as seen on the conference display.

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